Sólo una descripción breve. Mientras visité a muchos negocios en mi comunidad para pedirles apoyo con el Walk-N-Roll, entré a Office Depot a hacer copias y me encontré…con esto.
Just a brief description. While I visited many businesses in my community to ask for their support with the Walk-N-Roll, I went into an Office Depot to make copies, and I found…this.

Luego entré a un Starbucks para hablar con la gerente, y conecté de nuevo con mis raíces.
Afterwards, I walked into a Starbucks to speak with the manager, and I once again connected to my roots.

What a funny place for coffee at Office Depot, LOL. Good luck looking for local business support!
Yeah…strange place for coffee but I really love the sign. LOL
well, it is an OFFICE! hahaha. hilarious… surely, you can find a reason to go there everyday… I’m check mine out and see if they have a similar set up! 🙂
coffee any where is a good location for me! I <3 Cafecito! :0
I need my coffee every morning or my brain does not function! lol