(Anti-) Miércoles Mudo: Edición Sangivin / (Anti-) Wordless Wednesday: Sangivin Edition

Aunque la tradición de celebrar el día de Acción de Gracias es puramente americana, no se puede negar que éste pasadía ha resultado en la formación de tradiciones únicas a la cultura latina.

También para los Latinos que celebramos “Sangivin” en los Estados Unidos, hay una mezcla de tradiciones que reflejan la unión que hay entre ambas culturas. No importa si lo celebras con pavo o con pernil, verás al final del día que es una ocasión de dar gracias a Dios por todo lo que tenemos, al igual que para dar gracias a nuestros seres queridos por formar parte de nuestras vidas.

¡Y los Latinos, tanto como los americanos, no nos gusta celebrar algo sin comida!

Este año fue muy especial porque fue la primera vez que lo compartimos con otra familia que no era la de nosotros. Son una pareja, la mujer es de Argentina y el esposo es de Grecia, y tienen una hija en la universidad. En la casa se hablan tres idiomas: inglés, español y griego. Y la comida es igual de deliciosamente diversa.


Although celebrating Thanksgiving is purely an American tradition, one can’t deny that this holiday has resulted in the forming of unique traditions in Latino culture.

Also, for Latinos who celebrate “Sangivin” in the United States, there’s a mixture of traditions that reflect the union between both cultures. It doesn’t matter whether you celebrate it with turkey or roast pork, at the end you’ll see that it’s an occasion for giving thanks to God for all that we have, as well as to thank our loved ones for being part of our lives.

And Latinos, like Americans, rarely celebrate anything without food!

This year was particularly special because it was the first time we shared it with another family that wasn’t ours. They are a couple, the wife is from Argentina and the husband is from Greece, and they have a daughter in college. In their home, they speak three languages: English, Spanish and Greek. And the food is just as deliciously diverse.


El flan de queso que hizo Mami (¡muy rico!) The cheese flan Mami made (so delicious!)



Ingredientes para el arroz de Mami-- ajo, cebolla, pimientos y chorizo. Ingredients for Mami's rice-- garlic, onions, peppers and chorizo.


Una fiesta de colores. A party of colors.


El sofrito. Todos los países latinos y caribeños lo preparan distinto. En Puerto Rico, se le hecha recao (culantro), ajíes, cebolla y aceite de oliva. The sofrito. All the Latin American and Caribbean countries prepare it differently. Puerto Ricans typically start with culantro, sweet chiles, garlic, onion, and olive oil.


Aperitivos en la casa de nuestros amigos. Appetizers at our friends' house.


¡El pernil! Un clásico durante Sangivin en Latino America. Roast pork! A classic during Thanksgiving in Latin America.


Las papas eran hechas al estilo griego. The potatoes were made in a Greek style. 🙂
¡Qué festejo! What a celebration!


Un vegetal típico de Puerto Rico, aguacate, sazonado a lo griego. A vegetable that is native to Puerto Rico, seasoned in a Greek fashion.


¡Postre con...café! Compartimos un flan y una tarte de pacanas. Dessert with...coffee! We shared a flan and a pecan pie.


Cuales tradiciones has adoptado de tu cultura durante las fiestas Navideñas? 

What traditions from your culture have you adopted during the holidays?  



11 thoughts on “(Anti-) Miércoles Mudo: Edición Sangivin / (Anti-) Wordless Wednesday: Sangivin Edition”

  1. Great post Laura! The sofrito your mom makes sounds yummy! We bring tamales with the traditional American turkey ,stuffing, sweet potatoes etc My favorite part? The bottle of hot sauce next to the salt n pepper shaker! The Greek avocado looks good, What’s on it?

  2. I don’t really sway away from the american tradition… I figure I eat Mexican food so often that once Thanksgiving rolls around I want to celebrate the foods of that holiday.

    1. ¡Hola Julie!

      Mami is an AWESOME cook, but I should mentioned that the only dishes she prepared for this particular feast were the arroz con gandules y chorizo, and the flan. The rest were prepared by our Greek-Argentinian amigos! Oh yeah– we gave them the avocados that they used to make the guacamole/salad. 😉

    1. Maura….nena, now you know how I feel when I read your blog!! Welcome to my world! Jaja. Buen provecho. 😉

    1. Hola Jenny,

      It was a team effort! I really just stood around like a pest and took pictures. I was the food paparazzi LOL!


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