Entre las muchas tiendas que no tolero visitar están los colmados hispanos. No es que no me guste la comida ni el ambiente en ellos; es simplemente que me vienen recuerdos de mis visitas a Puerto Rico y me pone triste. Cuando visito a un colmado típico, me siento tan desconectada de mi país.
Pero hoy Mami, Abuelita y yo fuimos en búsqueda de un camión que vende tripletas en Orlando. Por alguna razón no lo vimos por el camino, aún después de guiar un rato largo, así que decidimos parar en Sedano’s para ver si los tenían.
Sedano’s es un supermercado “estilo colmado” hispano. Venden comidas calientes también, y se puede comer allí.
Me da vergüenza admitir que nunca recuerdo haber visitado allí en los 21 años que llevo viviendo en Orlando. Sin embargo, me di cuenta de inmediato de lo popular que es Sedano’s en la comunidad hispana.
Y también me di cuenta de que algo había cambiado dentro de mí. Ya no me da la tristeza que me daba cuando entraba a una tienda y escuchaba salsa en las bocinas, o escuchaba español, o olía pernil o mofongo cocinándose.
Finalmente me sentí conectada a mi cultura, a mi país. No importa la distancia, puedo tener la experiencia puertorriqueña aquí.
¡Digamos simplemente que me volví un poco loca probando y explorando todo!
Cuando íbamos de regreso a casa, con barrigas llenas y corazones contentos, estaba cayendo un aguacero bestial y adivina lo que vimos a la orilla de la carretera…

Oh bueno…hasta la próxima…¡ya veras! Esto no se ha terminado.
Among the many stores that I can’t stand to visit are Hispanic colmados or “grocery stores.” It’s not that I don’t like the food or the atmosphere; it’s simply that it brings to mind memories of my visits to Puerto Rico, and I feel sad. When I visit a typical colmado, I feel so disconnected from my country.
But today, Mami, Abuelita and I went in search of a truck that sells tripletas, a sandwich with cubed steak, roast pork (pernil), boiled ham, Swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato.
We drove around and around, but couldn’t find it, so we decided to stop at Sedano’s to see if they had them there.
Sedano’s is a colmado-style supermarket that sells Latino specialties. They sell hot meals there, too, and you can eat there.
I’m ashamed to admit that I can’t recall ever having visited Sedano’s in my 21 years of living in Orlando. Despite that, I immediately realized how popular it is among the Latino community here.
And I also noticed something inside me changing. I’m no longer sad the way I used to be whenever I entered a store and heard salsa blasting from the speakers, or heard Spanish, or smelled roast pork or mofongo cooking.
I finally felt connected to my culture, to my homeland. No matter the distance, I can enjoy the Puerto Rican experience here.
Let’s just say I went a little crazy tasting and exploring everything!
On the drive home, with full stomachs and happy hearts, what should we see on the side of the road but…the infamous tripleta truck!!
Oh well…until next time. You’ll see, now it’s ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! 😉

¡Creo que haré esto con más frecuencia!
I think I’ll do this more often!
–Laurita 😉
I’ve been on those missions for food too! And nothing is more satisfying that finding it. Everything looks good. Wish I would have known about this place when I was in Orlando a few months ago. 😀
Wish I would have known YOU when you were in Orlando, LOL!
Oh my God, everything looks so tasty. Ya me dio hambre. Sandwich de bistec encebollado se ve buenisimo.
Buen provecho, Rory! He he LOL. Thank you so much for reading! ¡Abrazos!
What a beautiful piece! Sometimes I still feel the same way whenever I visit a small bodega or café, and I start remember how long it’s been since my last visit to La Isla.
I definitely have to find that mofonga and tripletas food truck, though! I don’t think they’ve visit the local food truck bazaars or weekly pods in Downtown Orlando. The carne guisada looks reminds me of home. <3
Doesn’t it remind you of home? My Abuelita almost always makes carne guisada for Mami and me, the afternoon we arrive in Bayamón. It’s like a tradition! Love it.
FYI, the Tripletas, mofongo and Pinchos truck was spotted on the corner of Central Florida Parkway and Orange Blossom Trail. Now all we need to find out is their operating hours 😛