Se acerca el día de San Valentín, y es un día en que una piensa no sólo en el romance, si no también en el amor familiar y la amistad.
Este fin de semana pasado visité a mi mejor amiga, que ahora vive a varias horas de mí en carro. Después de ir a la chocolatería donde ella trabaja, posé con una de sus creaciones, hecha completamente de chocolate.
Esta foto me hizo reflexionar sobre una pregunta: quién posee tu corazón, y por cuales relaciones estás dispuesto(a) a ir la milla extra?

No importa si sea tu madre, tu padre, tu hermano, tu prima, tu novio o novia, o tu amigo o amiga– todos le añaden una dulzura a la vida que sólo ellos la pueden proveer.

Hay muchas personas que forman parte de nuestras vidas diarias, personas que nos encontramos de repente en el camino. Pero para la jornada larga, escogemos algunos pocos para que nos acompañen en el camino, como nosotros a ellos.
Cuáles relaciones son importantes para tí?
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and it’s a day that calls to mind not only romance, but also the love of a family, and our friendships.
This past weekend I visited my best friend, who now lives a few hours away by car from me. After touring the chocolatier where she works, I posed with one of her creations, a heart made entirely of chocolate.
This photo got me to reflect on a question: who possesses your heart, and what relationships are you willing to go the extra mile for?
It doesn’t matter whether it’s your mom, your dad, your brother, your cousin, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or friend– they all add a sweetness to our lives that only they can provide.
There are many people who form a part of our daily lives, people who we might suddenly encounter along the way. But for the long journey, we choose only a select few to accompany us on our way, as we accompany them.
What relationships are important to you?
So very true – it’s about love not romance. I’ll be sending lots of love to my friends back home. They are my heart and light me up.
Any relationship I bother to have is important to me.
the pic of you and your dad is so sweet… I looove my parents to no end and on a very obsessive level! Those two right there are the most important people in my life! I cherish them!
Yeah…ok. I’m gonna approve this comment because I want people to SEE it. No comment! You’re on your own. 😉
Very classy!!
I <3 U 😉